
Hello everyone. In this publication, I am compiling all posts somehow related to deploying, installing, configuring, and customizing your personal blog on the Ghost platform.

All articles are written and verified by me and have a logical continuation of each other. Of course, I don't delve into some details, assuming that when you decide on something like this, you are already somewhat prepared morally and technically for difficulties.

Among all the things I describe, you are unlikely to find something super unique and something that hasn't been on the internet before. Nevertheless, I still discover and create. Indeed, some things I see a bit differently, and I also try to add more details or photos for better understanding. But whatever you encounter will require further self-study.

Here are a few technologies that will be involved in my material:

  • Proxmox VE / Conteiners
  • Linux Ubuntu / Command-line
  • Network / Domain / Firewall /
  • Cloudflare Tunnels
  • CSS and Javascript programming
  • Google Services (Analytics / Search / AdSense)


The first post in this series is mainly about hosting, but it also explains the choice and compares Ghost with a Wordpress. It's like a light introduction to what will happen later

Where to host a personal blog - Ghost?
Hello. Since I became interested in the homelab topic, I’ve had a desire to create my own website and host it myself. However, the deeper I delved into the information terrain, the more I discovered interesting services that I could self-host, including blogs. Therefore, to save time, I decided not

// TODO: how to host blog at home

Installation And Configuration

SEO and more - first steps using Ghost as an example.
The steps described below apply to practically every public website. And the sooner it’s done, the better. As soon as your website, or in this case, my blog running on the Ghost platform, is launched and available on the internet, you need to make it visible in search engines, enable

//TODO: Steps on how to install and run the blog + domain name


Blow you'll find what I did for my blog. All the articles are based on my experience and ideas.

Must have: Table of Contents (TOC) and Code Snippets style

How to show post tags - Ghost
Starting work on my own blog, I noticed that my theme’s source on the publication page displays only the first tag, not all the ones I selected when writing. And from the very first post, the idea came to mind to eventually retrieve all the tags and display them. That’s
Styling of tags - Ghost
Hello. Last time we edited the theme files of our blog to display all tags of a publication instead of just one, as it was before. How to show post tags - GhostStarting work on my own blog, I noticed that my theme’s source on the publication page displays
Code Snippets Style - Ghost
Hello. There have been pieces of code in several of my posts that appear quite dull against the background of other content, and unattractive compared to any other site where there is at least some code highlighting. Today we will fix that. The Ghost blog supports code, but I would


Automatic Table of Contents (TOC) for your blog - Ghost
🤟The table of contents of this publication was automatically generated using the solution described below Introduction As I added more and more posts to my blog, I began to realize just how much I was missing something as simple as a table of contents. The Ghost blogging platform doesn’t have
Table of Contents (TOC) v2 for you blog - Ghost
Introduction Hello. Using the previous version, I decided that creating a duplicate of such a script for each publication would be too much. So today, let’s simplify the previous script a bit more and use it slightly differently. The previous version explained the process of automating content creation itself. You


All the official integrations can be found here

Ghost integrations – official apps, plugins & tools
Ghost plugins, tools & apps to integrate with your Ghost site for automation, analytics, marketing, support and much more! 👉

I highly recommend to add the Disqus comments. Please see official doc:

Official Ghost + Disqus Integration
Setting up Disqus with Ghost allows you to embed comment threads, upvotes and emoji reactions on your posts & pages. Install comments on your site 👉